10 October 2014


As the cold season approaches, I want to dress weather-appropriately and also in the trends of fall. While searching for boots that would protect my feet from the snow and the harsh temperature (not accurate yet but still...) I found a few other cool pieces for a fall/winter outfit. Of courses, lots of knits and textures such as leather and wool.  All of the items are from Zara, my favorite shop for basics. Love. S.
Au fur et à mesure qu'on se rapproche de la saison froide, je veux m'habiller de façon appropriée pour la température et aussi adopter les tendances de l'automne. En cherchant des bottes pour protéger mes pieds du froid et de la neige (pas encore le moment juste mais bon...) j'ai trouvé d'autres pièces parfaites pour une garde-robe d'automne/hiver. Bien sûr, des tricots et des textures différentes comme du cuir et de la laine. Tous les items proviennent de chez Zara, mon magasin favori pour les basiques. Love. S. 

1 comment:

  1. Sandrine! I adore your blog! I found it a few weeks ago and I fell in love with it! You're beautiful and have great sense for fashion. And thank you for writing it all in two languages! I was looking for a good fashion blog to keep up to and found yours, that also teaches me words in french that I didn't learn in class. Keep up your good work! Thank you for reading (: From Brazil ^~^


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